
From all of Legacy Productions’ stories and musical productions, here you will find albums with all the music and songs. From our story of Peter and Jesus in God With Us, the patriotic production of America’s history in In God We Trust, the right mood for Christmas in the Heart of Christmas and The Servant King, to the songs of the psalmist of Israel in DAVID – The King of Jerusalem. You can also stream these powerful musicals on Legacy TV!

Songs from The Heart of Christmas

Enjoy the beautiful songs from the musical The Heart of Christmas. Containing some of the most well-known Christmas favorites of all time, it is sure to set the mood for a wonderful time of Christmas.

Songs from DAVID – The King of Jerusalem

Enjoy the beautiful and powerful songs from the musical DAVID – The King of Jerusalem. From the sweet and intimates love songs to the Lord, sung by the young shepherd boy, to mighty war-cries of the King of Israel entering battles for survival and success. Guaranteed to make an impact and inspire your heart.

Songs from In God We Trust

All the songs from the powerful and patriotic musical In God We Trust! You will be encouraged to hear the reenactment of the Gettysburg address, the famous I Have A Dream speech of Martin Luther Jr., a soaring version of The Star Spangled Banner unlike anything you have heard before, and much more!

Songs from The Servant King

The Servant King Book has it’s own set of songs and music, and this album collects all together. Hear the beautiful songs and themes from the audio book The Servant King, with precious and memorable melodies and arrangements. 

Songs from God With Us

Listen to all the beautiful songs from the God With Us musical. From the stories of ancient Scripture and main characters such as Joshua and Caleb, King David, Daniel in the lion’s den, Queen Esther and more. Follow the stories of the life of Jesus and his ministry, even until the death and resurrection of the Lord, with powerful and inspirational songs you will love!